Bagpipe Practice Chanter Buying Guide for Beginners

Bagpipe Practice Chanter Buying Guide for Beginners

Oct 30, 2023

If you're a beginner looking to buy a practice chanter, you are in the right spot. Choosing the right bagpipe practice chanter is essential. A practice chanter is a smaller version of the full bagpipes and is used to develop the basic skills required to play the bagpipes.

This buying guide is designed to provide comprehensive information on choosing the perfect bagpipe practice chanter. From understanding the different materials to exploring popular brands, we've got you covered. So let's dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right bagpipe practice chanter is crucial for beginners
  • A practice chanter is a smaller version of the full bagpipes used to develop basic skills
  • Understanding the different materials and brands is essential when selecting a practice chanter
  • Proper maintenance is necessary for the longevity and performance of your practice chanter
  • Upgrading to a longer practice chanter may be beneficial once you've mastered the basics
  • Learn to play the bagpipes at The Highland Bagpipe Academy

Understanding Bagpipe Practice Chanters

Learning to play the bagpipes is a challenging but rewarding endeavor, and the practice chanter is an essential tool for beginners. But what exactly is a practice chanter? How do you choose the right one? In this guide, we'll answer these questions and more to help you get started on your bagpipe journey.

What Is a Bagpipe Practice Chanter?

A bagpipe practice chanter is a smaller version of the full bagpipe. It consists of a chanter, which is the part of the instrument that produces the melody, and a blowpipe, which is used to blow into the instrument to create sound. Unlike the full bagpipe, a practice chanter does not have a bag or drones.

Practice chanters are designed to help beginners learn the basics of playing the bagpipes. They typically come in two types: long and standard. 

How to Choose a Bagpipe Practice Chanter

When choosing a bagpipe practice chanter, there are a few important factors to consider:

  1. Material: Practice chanters can be made from a variety of materials, including African blackwood, polypenco, and plastic. African blackwood is the most traditional and produces the best sound, but it is also the most expensive. Polypenco is a popular alternative that produces a decent sound at a more affordable price. Plastic chanters are the least expensive but do not produce as high-quality a sound.
  2. Brand: There are many brands of bagpipe practice chanters on the market, including McCallum, Gibson, and Dunbar. Each brand has its own reputation and price range, so it's important to do your research before making a purchase.
  3. Price Range: Bagpipe practice chanters can range in price from around $50 to $500 or more. Determine your budget and factor in the material and brand to make an informed decision.

Another important factor to consider is the length of the practice chanter. As mentioned earlier, long practice chanters sound a little better and feel more like a real bagpipe chanter , but they can also be more challenging to play. Standard practice chanters are a good choice for beginners who are just starting out.

Lastly, it's a good idea to try out a few different practice chanters before making a purchase if possible. This will give you a better sense of the size, weight, and feel of the instrument and help you make an informed decision.

Buying Your First Practice Chanter

When it comes to choosing the right bagpipe practice chanter, there are several factors to consider, such as the material, brand, and price range. In this section, we will provide bagpipe practice chanter reviews, tips, and recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

Bagpipe Practice Chanter Recommendations

Below are the practice chanter I recommend. I have used all of them and can honestly say they are all quality instruments and I'm not endorsed by any of these practice chanters. Reading bagpipe practice chanter reviews can provide valuable insights into various products. I have compiled a list of some popular practice chanters, along with their features. 

Best Bagpipe Practice Chanter for Child

Dunbar Child’s Size Poly Practice Chanter

Best Inexpensive Bagpipe Practice Chanter

McCallum Long Poly Practice Chanter

Best Expensive Bagpipe Practice Chanter

Naill Long Blackwood Practice Chanter with Lined Blackwood Top

Best Electronic Bagpipe Practice Chanter

Blair Digital Chanter with Case – Plain

These reviews should give you an idea of what to look for when choosing a practice chanter. However, keep in mind that personal preference plays a significant role, and what works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, the best bagpipe practice chanter for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs. 

Bagpipe Practice Chanter Tips

Here are some tips to consider when choosing a bagpipe practice chanter:

  • Consider your budget: Practice chanters come in a wide range of prices, and it's important to determine how much you are willing to spend.
  • Material: The material of the chanter affects the sound quality and durability. African blackwood is the traditional choice, but polypenco and other materials can also produce quality sound.
  • Size and weight: The size and weight of the chanter can affect playability and comfort. Consider trying out different sizes and weights to see what works best for you.
  • Brand reputation: Research the reputation of the brand to ensure quality and durability.

Exploring Different Bagpipe Practice Chanter Brands

When it comes to bagpipe practice chanters, there are many brands to choose from. Each brand has its own unique features and reputation in the music industry. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular bagpipe practice chanter brands and discuss their offerings.

1. Hardie

The Hardie brand is known for its quality craftsmanship and durability. They offer a range of practice chanters, from basic to professional models. 

2. McCallum

McCallum is a well-respected brand in the bagpipes industry, and their practice chanters are no exception. McCallum offers a wide range of practice chanters, from basic to advanced models.

3. Gibson

Gibson is another popular brand in the world of bagpipes, based in Ohio. Gibson offers a range of practice chanters, from basic to intermediate models.

4. Dunbar

Dunbar is a Canadian-based brand that offers a variety of bagpipe products, including practice chanters. Their chanters come in a range of styles, including long and short practice chanters. Dunbar practice chanters are known for their quality craftsmanship and excellent tone quality.

5. Shepherd

Shepherd is a well-established brand that has been producing bagpipes and practice chanters for over 40 years.  Shepherd offers a range of practice chanters, from basic to professional models.

These are just a few of the most popular bagpipe practice chanter brands. When choosing a practice chanter, it’s important to consider factors such as your skill level, playing style, and budget. By doing so, you’ll be able to choose a practice chanter that suits your needs and helps you develop your bagpipe skills.

Understanding Bagpipe Practice Chanter Materials: Blackwood vs Plastic

Bagpipe practice chanters are available in various materials, each with its unique set of benefits and limitations. The material you choose for your practice chanter can impact the sound quality, durability, and maintenance of the instrument.

African Blackwood

African blackwood is the most common material used in bagpipe practice chanters due to its natural resonance and durability. It provides a rich and warm sound, but it's also the most expensive option.


Polypenco is a synthetic material that mimics the tonal qualities of African blackwood but is more affordable. It's also much more durable than wooden practice chanters and requires less maintenance.


Delrin is another synthetic material that produces a bright and clear sound. It's very lightweight and resistant to moisture and temperature changes, making it an ideal choice for outdoor performances.

Composite Materials

Some practice chanters are made from a combination of materials, such as wood and polypenco or delrin. These composite materials can provide a good balance of tonal quality and durability.

Table: Comparison of Bagpipe Practice Chanter Materials

Material Pros Cons
African Blackwood Rich and warm sound. Durable and long-lasting. Most expensive option. Requires regular maintenance to prevent cracking.
Polypenco Mimics tonal qualities of African blackwood. More affordable. Durable and requires less maintenance. May not produce as rich of a sound as African blackwood. Some players may prefer the feel of a wooden practice chanter.
Delrin Bright and clear sound. Very lightweight and resistant to moisture and temperature changes. May not produce as warm of a sound as wooden practice chanters. Some players may prefer the feel of a wooden practice chanter.
Composite Materials Good balance of tonal quality and durability. Quality and sound can vary depending on the specific combination of materials.

When choosing a material for your bagpipe practice chanter, consider your budget, playing style, and personal preference. With the right material, you can begin to master the art of playing classic Scots tunes on the bagpipes.

Maintaining Your Bagpipe Practice Chanter

Bagpipe practice chanters are delicate instruments that require proper maintenance to ensure the best sound quality and longevity. Here are some maintenance tips to keep your practice chanter in top condition:

  • Clean the inside of the practice chanter after use by running a cleaning rod through it.
  • Use a soft cloth to clean the exterior of the practice chanter.
  • Avoid exposing the practice chanter to extreme temperatures or humidity.
  • Store the practice chanter in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Oil the practice chanter and reed occasionally to prevent cracking or damage if African blackwood.

It's essential to use the proper cleaning materials and avoid any harsh chemicals that may damage the chanter's wood or material.

"I always store my practice chanter in a case and use a cleaning rod after every session. It has kept my chanter in great condition for years!"

- A happy bagpipe practice chanter owner

Remember to take good care of your bagpipe practice chanter, and you'll enjoy excellent sound quality and a long-lasting instrument.

Understanding the Price Range of Bagpipe Practice Chanters

Bagpipe practice chanters come in a wide range of prices, from budget-friendly options to high-end models. The cost can vary depending on several factors, such as materials, brand, and features. It's essential to understand these factors to determine a suitable budget for your practice chanter.

Factors that Affect the Price of Bagpipe Practice Chanters

Material: The material used to make the practice chanter is a crucial factor that affects the price. African blackwood is the most popular material for professional-grade chanters, but it comes at a premium price. On the other hand, plastic or polypenco chanters are affordable options for beginners.

Brand: The brand of the practice chanter can also determine its price. Well-known and established brands like McCallum or Hardie are often more expensive than lesser-known brands. However, they are also known for their quality and reliability.

Features: Additional features like decorative mounts, engravings, and tuning slides can add to the price of the practice chanter. While these features may not be essential for beginners, they can be attractive for those who are interested in upgrading their instrument.

Average Price Range of Bagpipe Practice Chanters

As mentioned earlier, practice chanters are available in a wide range of prices. Here is a breakdown of the average price range for different types of practice chanters:

Type of Practice Chanter Average Price Range
Plastic Practice Chanter $20-$50
Polypenco Practice Chanter $60-$120
African Blackwood Practice Chanter $300-$500
Decorative Practice Chanter $500-$1000+

It's important to note that these are just average price ranges, and the cost can vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier. Always do your research and read reviews before making a purchase decision.

By understanding the price range of bagpipe practice chanters, you can determine a suitable budget for your instrument and make an informed decision when choosing a practice chanter that fits your needs and goals.

Upgrading Your Bagpipe Practice Chanter

If you've been practicing with a beginner bagpipe practice chanter for a while and feel like you've mastered the basics, it may be time to consider upgrading to a long practice chanter. A long practice chanter is essentially a standard practice chanter with an extended length. The added length provides a more realistic feel and sound, making it easier to transition to a full set of bagpipes.

Before upgrading, it's important to assess your skill level and determine if a long practice chanter is appropriate for you. If you're still struggling with the basics, it may be best to stick with a beginner practice chanter until you develop more proficiency.

If you're ready to upgrade, do your research and choose a well-regarded brand and material that fits your budget. Many bagpipe practice chanter brands offer long practice chanters, including McCallum, Hardie, and Dunbar.

It's also a good idea to consider taking lessons with a qualified bagpipe instructor who can guide you through the transition and help you fine-tune your technique with the long practice chanter.

Benefits of a Long Practice Chanter

There are several benefits to upgrading to a long practice chanter:

  • The added length provides a more realistic feel for playing bagpipes.
  • The longer chanter is similar in size to a full set of bagpipes, making it an easier transition to make.
  • Long practice chanters often have a fuller sound than their beginner counterparts.
  • Playing a long practice chanter can help you build strength and endurance for playing a full set of bagpipes.

Overall, upgrading to a long practice chanter can be a valuable investment in your bagpiping journey. Just make sure to take the time to practice and develop your skills with the new instrument.

Bagpipe Practice Chanter Buying Guide - Conclusion

Choosing the right bagpipe practice chanter can be daunting for beginners. But with the information provided in this buying guide, you now have the tools to make an informed decision. Remember, a good practice chanter is an investment in your musical journey, and it should be chosen with care.

Before purchasing a bagpipe practice chanter, make sure you understand the differences between practice chanters and full bagpipes. Consider factors such as materials, brand reputation, and price range. And don't forget to maintain your practice chanter properly to ensure its longevity and performance.

Final Thoughts

By following our buying guide, you can confidently embark on your journey to mastering the bagpipes. Always remember to practice consistently, and don't be afraid to upgrade your practice chanter when the time is right.

We hope this guide has been valuable to you. Happy piping!


What is a bagpipe practice chanter?

A bagpipe practice chanter is a smaller version of a bagpipe that is used for practicing and learning the basics before transitioning to playing the full bagpipes. It consists of a mouthpiece, a cylindrical tube, and finger holes.

How does a bagpipe practice chanter differ from full bagpipes?

The main difference is that a bagpipe practice chanter does not have the bag or the drones that are present in full bagpipes. It is designed specifically for practicing finger movements, breath control, and mastering the tunes.

Why are bagpipe practice chanters essential for beginners?

Bagpipe practice chanters are essential for beginners because they provide a platform to learn and practice the fundamentals of playing the bagpipes. They allow beginners to develop their finger technique, memorize tunes, and work on tone production before moving on to the full instrument.

How do I choose the right bagpipe practice chanter?

When choosing a bagpipe practice chanter, it's important to consider factors such as the material, brand reputation, and price range. Additionally, you should look for a chanter that feels comfortable in your hands and produces a clear and consistent tone.

What are some popular bagpipe practice chanter brands?

Some popular bagpipe practice chanter brands include Hardie, McCallum, Wallace, Gibson, and Dunbar. These brands are known for their quality craftsmanship and produce chanters that are favored by both beginners and professionals.

What are the different materials used in bagpipe practice chanters?

Bagpipe practice chanters can be made from various materials, including African blackwood, polypenco, and plastic. Each material has its own characteristics and affects the tone and durability of the instrument.

How should I maintain my bagpipe practice chanter?

To maintain your bagpipe practice chanter, it's important to regularly clean the instrument with a mild soap and warm water. You should also store it in a dry and cool place to prevent warping or cracking. Additionally, replacing the reed periodically is recommended for optimal performance.

How much do bagpipe practice chanters cost?

The price range for bagpipe practice chanters can vary depending on the brand, material, and additional features. Generally, you can find practice chanters ranging from $50 to $200, although high-end options can be more expensive.

When should I consider upgrading to a longer practice chanter?

You may consider upgrading to a longer practice chanter once you have mastered the basics and feel comfortable playing tunes on a standard practice chanter. A longer practice chanter allows for a wider range and can better prepare you for transitioning to the full bagpipes.

How do I start learning the bagpipes as a beginner piper?

Starting your piping career as a beginner piper can be challenging, but it's a rewarding journey. You should begin with a practice chanter, the pipe chanter's first set of bagpipes. This is a standard size practice chanter that allows you to learn the fundamentals of bagpipe playing.

What is the importance of a practice chanter?

The practice chanter is a crucial tool for beginners. It helps you develop the necessary finger and hand movements, learn to read music, and understand the bagpipe's posture and technique.

Should I consider long chanters when starting my bagpiping journey?

Long chanters, like the Peter Henderson long chanters, are designed for practice and are worthwhile for learners. They provide better spacing and tone, making them an excellent choice for beginners.

What should I look for in a bagpipe instructor?

When learning the bagpipes, it's essential to find a knowledgeable and experienced tutor. Look for someone who has personally learned from a reputable source and has experience teaching bagpipe lessons. 

Are there differences in bagpipes made in Scotland versus other countries?

Bagpipes made in Scotland, Canada and the US are often considered the gold standard due to their craftsmanship and quality. Pipes from other countries, like Pakistan, may be less expensive but are of very very poor quality. 

What's the role of hemp in bagpipes, and how do you use it?

Hemp is used to create an airtight seal in the joints of your bagpipes. It's essential for maintaining proper airflow and ensuring your pipes sound their best. 

Can I learn to play the bagpipes by myself, or do I need an instructor?

While some people start learning independently using resources like books and online tutorials, it's highly recommended to have a qualified instructor. An instructor will provide personalized guidance and ensure you develop proper technique and skills.

How can I find new tunes to play on my bagpipe chanter?

You can find new tunes to learn throughout your piping career by exploring sheet music, attending pipe band events, or joining a pipe band where you can learn and play a variety of traditional and modern tunes.

How do I care for wooden chanters and maintain their quality?

Wooden chanters require special care. Keep them in a stable environment with consistent humidity, oil them regularly, and store them in an appropriate case to prevent cracking or damage.

What's the significance of the "Great Highland Bagpipe"?

The Great Highland Bagpipe is the most iconic type of bagpipe and is synonymous with Scottish culture. It is used in various contexts, from military ceremonies to traditional Scottish music, making it an essential instrument in Scottish culture.